Advanced Options Page
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Description: The Advanced Options page is where you will find configuration options to improve the performance of SlideDeck depending on your server’s configuration, troubleshoot settings and reference existing API links. At the very least, you will be visiting this page once when you first install a paid version of SlideDeck 2 to input your license key; after that though you probably won’t need to come back here unless we ask you to in a support ticket.
Advanced Options:
Always load SlideDeck JavaScript/CSS on every page?
By default we load the basic libraries for SlideDeck on every page of your site. We do this because SlideDeck can be deployed in many different ways, some of which we cannot predict, so we err on the side of caution to give you the greatest flexibility of deployment.
SlideDeck is intelligent enough to detect when a SlideDeck is loaded as a shortcode embed in a Post, Page or Custom Post Type entry or with the SlideDeck Widget. If you are only embedding SlideDecks via these methods, you can probably turn this option off. If you are embedding SlideDecks in your theme directly however, you will probably want to leave this option on as WordPress does not provide the means to know early enough in the rendering of a page that a SlideDeck is being rendered via your theme, so we cannot queue up the assets for load.
Disable wpautop() function?
WordPress has a great feature called wpautop() which attempts to read all the content in your post and convert any line breaks automatically into semantic, well-formatted HTML
tags where it thinks appropriate. Sometimes, this “magic” functionality can cause some odd errors in the display of your SlideDeck content though, so if you’re seeing odd spacing in your SlideDeck where you don’t think you should, try turning this option on.
Don’t enqueue the jquery.mousewheel.js library (if you have your own solution)
SlideDecks can use your mousewheel to navigate between slides if you have that navigation option enabled. We load a JavaScript library that provides this sort of interaction capability, but we understand that you may already be loading a similar solution. If you are already loading a jQuery mousewheel plugin or you do not have mousewheel navigation enabled on any of your SlideDecks, feel free to turn this option on.
Don’t enqueue the jquery.easing.1.3.js library (if you have your own solution)
By default jQuery doesn’t come with very many easing options, so we load a jQuery plugin that provides the easing options we offer in the SlideDeck 2 Playback Options Panel. If you are only using the “Swing” easing option (the default) or are loading a compatible jQuery easing library already, feel free to turn this option on. Please note that not all jQuery easing plugins will name their easings the same, so check to see that your easing plugin naming matches the names found in our easing plugin or a JavaScript error may occur and break your SlideDecks.
Disable the ability to Add New and Edit SlideDecks for non Admins
We understand that you may not want everyone who has the ability to write posts also have the ability to make and edit SlideDecks. Turn this option on to make sure that only Admin users can actually create or edit SlideDecks.
Include the “iframe=1” attribute in all new shortcode embeds by default
If you have a very custom theme or a specialized plugin that is causing too many conflicts with the way that SlideDecks should render, you can easily add the iframe=1 option to your SlideDeck shortcode to ensure that it is loaded isolated in an iframe. If you find you want this to happen for all SlideDecks you create, just turn this option on and any new SlideDeck embeds you place will have the iframe=1 option automatically appended to the shortcode. Please note that this will not modify any existing shortcode embeds you have already placed.
Opt-in to make SlideDeck better with anonymous usage statistics
In order to make SlideDeck better we offer you the option to opt-in to send us anonymous usage statistics. As the option says, these statistics are completely anonymous and you will not be personally identified by them. We use these statistics to analyze which features are being used the most often by our customers, what new features would be useful to add in or develop further or which areas need improvement.
Twitter user to tweet via for overlays
The overlay feature allows your visitors to share your SlideDecks via Twitter and Facebook. You can specify the default Twitter user your overlays will tweet “via”
Instagram Client Id
Last used Instagram Access Token
Once you have linked your Instagram account for Instagram sourced SlideDecks, your access token will be inserted here. If you need to manually change the access token, you can paste it in here.
Last used Google+ API Key
Once you have linked your Google+ account for Google+ and Google+ Photos sourced SlideDecks, your API key will be inserted here.
Last used Youtube API Key
Once you have linked your Google account for Youtube API sourced SlideDecks, your API key will be inserted here.
Last used Dribbble OAuth Key
Last used tumblr OAuth Consumer Key
Enable aggressive cache flushing